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What To Bring to The Eras Tour: A List By Swifties Who Have Been There

girl holding up hands in the shape of a heart at a music concert

If you are like me, (a crazy planner who needs to have a checklist for everything) and you are heading to Taylor Swift's The Eras Tour soon, you may be wondering what you need to bring with you. Especially for a concert this big. Don't fret. I took to Instagram and asked my followers - real life Swifties - who have been to the concert to tell me what they brought with them and also what they wish they had brought with them to the show. The response was overwhelming because if there is one thing Swifties are going to do, it is help out fellow Swifties. I compiled their answers into this master list.

Let's get started.

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Clothing and Accessories:

  1. Hair Tie or Claw Clip - Especially because it's summer and most of these stadiums are outdoors, you may want the option to get your hair off of your neck.

  2. Sunglasses - When the openers come onstage and even as Taylor comes out, the sun is still in the sky. If you want sunglasses that are stylish and still feel very Taylor Swift, I recommend some like these!

  3. Stadium Approved Bag - Check your specific stadium's website before your show, as most have very strict bag policies. Here are a few suggestions for clear bags!

  4. Comfy Shoes - Taylor is onstage for well over three hours, so now is not the time to break out the stilettos.

  5. Waterproof Mascara - Tears will probably be shed. I know I will be crying.

What To Bring To The Eras Tour In Your Bag:

  1. Sunscreen - Once again, the sun is still out when the openers are performing, so avoid a sunburn and bring or wear sunscreen!

  2. Binoculars - If you are sitting far away from the stage binoculars can be a good way to get a closer look at Taylor.

  3. Ear Plugs - This concert is LOUD and we want to avoid hearing loss. I recommend these ear plugs!

  4. Portable Phone Charger - The concert is long... Your phone will die. Bring a portable charger to make sure you can stay connected and safe during and after the show. I recommend this one!

  5. Hand Sanitizer - You'll be around a lot of people at the concert and you'll want to do your best to stay healthy! Plus... Apparently the bathrooms can get a little nasty. You can never be too safe.

  6. Mini Tissue Pack - Like I said... Personally, I know I will be crying.

  7. Baby Wipes - I didn't expect to hear this one, but someone suggested bringing baby wipes in case there is no toilet paper left!

  8. Bandaids - There will be lots of standing and lots of walking. Bandaids are good to bring in case blisters start to form. Get a mini pack here.

  9. Pain Reliever - It is a good idea to bring a pain reliever with you so that you don't let a headache ruin your experience.

  10. Chapstick

  11. An Unopened Water Bottle - This is to drink before the concert OR during the concert if your stadium will allow you to take it in.

  12. Small Snack - Such as a granola bar to eat before, during, or after the concert. Plus the lines for food inside the stadium will be long, and you won't want to miss a thing!

  13. Liquid IV - Waking up the next morning with no hangover? Electrolytes replenished? Sign me up. Stock up here.

  14. Disposable Slippers - In case you want to wear the stilettos, but also want to take them off at your seat. Get some here!

  15. Pre-Made Friendship Bracelets - In case you haven't heard, Swifties are making friendship bracelets with album names, song lyrics, etc. to trade with each other at the concert! If you're interested in making some bracelets to trade with your fellow fans, here are some supplies you may need!

  16. Personal Identification - Don't forget to bring your ID in your wallet!

  17. Mini Camera - Most stadiums will allow you to bring a SMALL camera into the show with you. If you want to take good quality photos, but don't want to drain your phone battery, this is a good option! This is the camera I have!

  18. Personal Fan - I'm about to be attending a show in the middle of the summer, in the Kansas heat. This is the fan I am bringing with me to the concert!

  19. Mini Deodorant - All of us going to summer shows in the midwest and south need to remember to pack this one... The people sitting next to us will thank us.

What To Bring If It Is Supposed To Rain At Your Show:

Good news, Taylor Swift still performs, even in the pouring rain. Bad news? You have to figure out how to stay dry in that same rain. Here are the items from rain shows Swifties who have been at one say you should bring!

  1. Rain Poncho - If the weather even LOOKS like it COULD rain, I suggest bringing a rain poncho in your bag. The last thing you want is to be forced to shell out ridiculous money for one at the show.

  2. Hand Towel - Bring a hand towel to wipe down your wet seat. Especially if the rain has stopped before your show actually starts, the seats will probably still be wet.

Extra Concert Tips From Swifties:

  1. Use the restroom before the second opener starts or during their act. The lines get crazy long after that.

  2. However early you think you need to leave to get to the stadium, leave EARLIER.

  3. If you need to use the bathroom during Taylor's set, plan ahead for what song you will be leaving for.

  4. People will tailgate in the parking lot before the show! If this sounds fun to you, plan ahead and prepare to get there early.

  5. Have a plan for how you are getting home after the show. If your plan is to get an Uber, plan to be waiting 1-3 hours.

  6. If you are planning to buy merch, get there extra early. Another fan says to wait to get merch until the show is over, as they only waited 10 minutes.

  7. If you're driving, take a photo of where you parked the car!

  8. Sit down if you need to. It's not a competition and it's okay if you need to take a break.

  9. Save EVERYTHING - Your wristband, confetti, ticket stub, etc. and make a shadow box afterward to display all of it!

  10. Walk around to the different merch stations - they don't all sell the same items.

Concert photo with confetti falling saying "What To Bring With You to Taylor Swift's The Eras Tour"

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